Money Mindset Master Plan (Course 1)
Stop settling for less than your worth. Fix your money mindset, and solve your income issues once and for all.
Attention Entrepreneurs, Coaches & Service Providers: Working more hours is not the answer to a higher income, but this is…
Revealed! The Mindset Strategies Top Coaches Use to Move From Overworked & Underpaid to Successful & Financially Free!
Stop dreaming about a wonderfully profitable (and amazingly fun) business and make the mental changes you need to achieve results! It’s easy…
Hey Sis,
Entrepreneurship isn’t always what you dreamed it would be, is it? Spending your days in an office of one with no one to talk to but the dog can take a toll on your sanity. Worse, those less-than-supportive voices in your head (we all have them, you’re not crazy) keep telling you that you’ll never live up to your dream of being that entrepreneur, that businesswoman, the one everyone turns to for help, and who’s paid really well for simply offering her opinions. Pretty soon you begin to believe it. You won’t ever earn a 6-figure salary, and never mind even dreaming about 7 figures. No one will ever pay top dollar just to hear what you have to say. You really aren’t that special—there are a million other women doing what you do just like you.
Sound familiar?
We’ve all had these moments of self-doubt and for the most part we push through them. After all, we’re entrepreneurs! But even though we pick ourselves up each and every day and continue to carry on and yes, even make a respectable living, there’s something missing.
Negative Self-Talk About Money Undermines Our Self-Confidence
And it continues to do so long after you tune that voice out and get back to work.
It’s not just today’s thoughts that are holding you back, either. Money blocks work their way into our psyche and hang out there for years, wreaking havoc on our lives and happiness, and you probably don’t even know it’s happening.
Maybe your parents instilled a scarcity mindset in you as a child and you simply can’t shake it now that you’re a successful adult.
Maybe an ex-partner made you feel selfish for “spending too much” on clothes or vacations (even though you didn’t).
Or maybe a high-school teacher’s offhand remark about your potential (or lack of it) is still rattling around in your head. (For me, it was my middle school teacher. Ugh!)
Whatever your situation, one thing is certain:
Your Attitude About Money Directly Effects Your Balance Sheet
For many would-be entrepreneurs—especially Black women—money can be a huge stumbling block. We believe that small but insistent voice that says, “Your market won’t pay more” or “You don’t know enough to charge that” or even, “You don’t have what it takes to earn a 6-figure income.” And when we believe it, it becomes true. You attract an audience in search of freebies (because that’s the “vibe” you put out there). You keep your rates low (way, way too low). And you never quite reach that sales goal you so desperately want and need to reach.
There’s a simple solution, and it starts with a mindset shift. Introducing…
The Money Mindset Master Plan!
I’m going to take you by the hand and walk you through the steps you need to take to change your beliefs around money once and for all, so you can finally…
- Gain the confidence you need to charge what you’re really worth (it’s probably at least double what you’re currently charging)
- Set—and achieve—those really BIG goals that you see so many other entrepreneurs and coaches making (Travel more? Yes! Speaking engagements? Absolutely! Time for charity work? You better believe it!)
- Let go of the scarcity mindset so you can reach for your dreams with confidence and determination (rather than shrinking back in fear).
Sound good? Here’s what’s in store for you in this 4 module, self-paced course…
Module 1: Change Your Money Story
For most of us, the story we tell ourselves about money is the root of all our issues. It takes more than just a little self-talk to change these long-held beliefs though, so in module 1 we’re going to dig in with…
- The two most common money stories—you’ll very likely recognize yourself in one (or even both)—and the first steps to overcoming these lies
- Where your money story likely originated—and why it’s so hard to shake (even if you think you already have)
- 10 ways your money story can have a negative affect on your life and your business—and how these turn into an endless feedback loop that continues to grow
- Where your “shrink to fit” mindset comes from—and how to combat it
- 7 symptoms of a serious money block—and 3 ways to change the story
- The “secret saboteurs” who continue to hold you back—and what to do about them
- The one word that can instantly derail a secret saboteur—and I’ll give you permission to say it without guilt or further explanation
I won’t lie to you—this is a tough module for a lot of people to tackle. The stories we tell ourselves about money are powerful, and they live deep in our psyche, but once you’ve learned to recognize them for what they are, your world will change. I promise you that.
Module 2: Let Go of Money Stress
Money stress is common in life and in business. After all, without money, you’ll have a hard time just keeping the lights on, let alone paying for college or going on vacation or financing that conference trip you’re dying to take. But stress begets stress, and you can quickly find yourself in a downward spiral that—rather than helping you bring in more money—actually hurts your finances even more.
Module 2 is all about putting the systems in place to end money stress once and for all:
- The number one mistake small business owners make when it comes to money—and the unbelievably easy way you can fix it today!
- The scary-sounding tool you should be using every day in your business (and no, it’s not a budget)
- How to know what your time is really worth—without this in mind, how will you know if you’re charging enough?
- Why blaming your financial struggles on “luck” is another lie we tell ourselves—and what the real culprit is (hint: it’s easy to fix!)
- Why you must stop treating your business like a hobby—and one sure-fire way to do that starting right now
- How to use money as the tool it is, so you can easily generate more of it.
- 7 common outsourcing mistakes that will cost you money—and what to do instead
Getting past your money stress will make you feel as if a huge burden has been lifted from your shoulders—because it has! You’ll be able to see the real potential in your business, now that you’re not worrying all the time where the next client or check will come from. With these systems in place, you can concentrate on growth instead of survival, and that’s a great place to be!
Module 3: Bust Through Your Money Blocks
We all have them and sometimes even reframing our negative self-talk (like we did in module 1) or putting systems in place to reduce the stress (in module 2) can’t completely clear them. In module 3, we’ll bring out the big guns to finally be rid of the blocks that are preventing you from reaching your dreams.
- The 5 favorite “money block banishers” of today’s top entrepreneurs and coaches—we’re tapping into the expertise of people who have “been there and done that,” and bringing you their best ideas!
- Why it takes time to “retrain your brain”—and how to put your natural creativity (we all have it) to work on it
- 4 powerful books to add to your reading list—if you take nothing else away from this module, these books are a must read
- Why it pays to open even the most skeptical mind about alternative ways to manage your mindset
- The simple, 3-step process for changing negative thoughts to positive—plus a worksheet to help you practice
- Why your personality type is a critical consideration when it comes to money—and how to use your unique type to your advantage
Money blocks are tough. You may need to return to this module again and again, and try several of the various techniques before finding the one that suits you best (and works). But don’t give up! Consistent action is the key to finally getting past the blocks that are holding you back, and once you do, you’ll be more than ready for…
Module 4: Love Your Money
Learning to love money is really the ultimate goal. Rather than feeling shame or guilt about having it, when you can instead love money and what it can do for you and others, you’ll finally be able to enjoy the financial freedom you’ve worked so hard to achieve. And best of all, you’ll be a lot less likely to revert back to those negative beliefs that held you back for so long.
In module 4, we’ll cover…
- How small changes in your daily routine can foster massive growth—and why it’s critical to not try to do “too much, too soon”
- 5 things to add to your day that encourage change—including one that might surprise you
- Why knowing your optimal, peak performance time can make all the difference—and how to find it
- How different styles and types of exercise effect different personalities—and which ones might be right for you
- How to use a journal in your day-to-day life to identify negative habits and patterns—and 9 types of journaling to try
- Two critical things to keep in mind as you journal, regardless of your journaling style
- How to effectively remove guilt and self-blame from your life, so you can keep those money blocks away forever
- How to find support when you need it—and why it’s ok (even critical) to ask for and receive support from others
Change the Way You Think and Act About Money, and Change Your Life—and Your Business—Forever
Listen, I get it. Maybe you’ve struggled with money for years. Maybe you’ve experience being “broke” and you’ve never felt deserving of more. I’ve been there, too. But you CAN change your future and that starts by changing your mindset when it comes to money. Is it easy? No.
But it is so, so worth it. Imagine being able to…
- Finally take that vacation you’ve been promising the kids
- Take an afternoon off once a week to volunteer at the local animal shelter
- Buy a bigger house (with a dedicated office just for you!)
- Support a charity that’s near and dear to your heart
- Or just stop stressing over money so much
Whatever your financial goals are, they are within your reach. All you have to do is take this first step. I can’t promise that you’ll make a million dollars. But I can promise that if you do the work, you’ll have less stress and a far better relationship with money than when you began. You’ll find the confidence to charge more, and finally stop sabotaging your own success (you know you do it—we all do).
How much is that worth to you?
P.S. This course is backed by my 100% guarantee. If you feel it does not help you in any way to build a better, more satisfying business, simply email me for a fast, courteous refund.
Course Curriculum
StartLearning Objective: Give yourself a money “re-set”—and a ‘story’ you will love
PreviewStep One: What is your story?
StartStep Two: Beginning the change
StartStep Three: 7 symptoms that you're prosperity-blocked
StartStep Four: Stories we sell ourselves
StartStep Five: Secret saboteurs
StartYour Action Plan & Checklist
StartLearning Objective: To find your unique block-busting technique
StartStep One: How the superstar finance coaches do it
StartStep Two: Retrain your brain
StartStep Three: Find your philosophy
StartStep Four: Reframe and release
StartStep Five: Identify your personality type
StartYour Action Plan & Checklist