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Money Mindset Master Plan (Course 1)
Course 1: Change Your Money Story
Learning Objective: Give yourself a money “re-set”—and a ‘story’ you will love
Step One: What is your story?
Step Two: Beginning the change
Step Three: 7 symptoms that you're prosperity-blocked
Step Four: Stories we sell ourselves
Step Five: Secret saboteurs
Your Action Plan & Checklist
Course 2: Let Go of Money Stress
Learning Objective: Get rid of everything that stops you from reaching your money goals
Step One: Bad luck...or bad money habits?
Step Two: Prepare for success
Step Three: Make your money work for you
Your Action Plan & Checklist
Course 3: Bust Through Your Money Blocks
Learning Objective: To find your unique block-busting technique
Step One: How the superstar finance coaches do it
Step Two: Retrain your brain
Step Three: Find your philosophy
Step Four: Reframe and release
Step Five: Identify your personality type
Your Action Plan & Checklist
Course 4: Love Your Money
Learning Objective: Creating a money routine that excites and rewards you
Step One: Start small
Step Two: Coaching and support
Step Three: Your money story revisited
Your Action Plan & Checklist
Learning Objective: Give yourself a money “re-set”—and a ‘story’ you will love
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